Ingredients: Menhaden fish oil/milk (Omega 3 fatty acids and appetite stimulant), Amino Acids, Garlic, and Vitamin C
Directions: Soak dried pellet/flake, frozen food or live brine shrimp for 5-15 minutes then feed to aquarium.
No Refrigeration Necessary
Omega 3 fatty acids are good fats needed by humans, pets, and fish. It is only available by consuming fish or fish oil. The main sources of Omega 3 are Menhaden (Sardine) oil, Krill oil, and Salmon oil. Menhaden has the highest level of Omega 3 compared to the others. Menhaden oil is also used by fishermen as a fish attractant. Its smell makes fish go into a quick feeding mode. This is vitally important to new fish that are reluctant to feed. Crave also is fortified with Amino acids which are the building block to protein. Protein is essential for fish growth and coloration. Add some Vitamins, and a small amount of garlic and you now have what our Fish will Crave. A super enhanced fish food additives with no artificial ingredients.