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Lifegard – Felt Pad 30″x36″

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Product # 440480

SKU: 788379312718 Categories: , , ,

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Lifegard Prefilters and Felt pads work really well in sumps and overflows to add mechanical filtration to the system. They are easy to remove and replace. Most of the time you will need to cut them to size since you do want them to direct the water through the filter pad and not around it. The rate at which the pads clog will depend on how much you feed, the amount of waste fish produce and overall other filtration equipment. We suggest treating filter pads exactly like filter socks and changing out every few days to keep nutrients from breaking down into the water column. Many people even use these pads to culture algae on in an algae turf scrubber. By placing a pad in between sump baffles or any place that water is channeled through the pad, it will allow the pad to collect floating detritus and other particles in the water column.

Dimensions – 30 x 36 in.